Monday, July 21, 2008

Bridge Transplant = Watching Paint D

Today was a pretty cool day. I80 - the interstate that runs from the east coast to the west coast of the US runs right in our front yard. There has been construction on it to widen the interstate as it comes into the Salt Lake valley. Today was the day that the 500 East bridge on the north side of the interstate (our side) was being placed. It was constructed up in the bridge yard at 1300 East. It started it's journey from 1300 East to 500 East last night. It took a few hours to travel; it weighs 5 million pounds and traveled at the speed of 1 MPH. Crazy, I know. It was neat to see this huge structure be slid across steel Ibeams. Dish soap was used to lubricate the beam for the sliders to move it across. It is now over 500 East and will be lowered into place tomorrow. I have some really cool pics of the bridge moving.


Emlyn said...

It is so fun to watch bridges being moved into place. I think I had more fun watching Catie almost crawl!

beth said...

You guys are so positive! Most people would not be excited about a giant bridge in their front yard.

Your blog is so cute!