Friday, August 29, 2008

Letter of Resignation

Ok folks, the day has come. I am turning in my letter or resignation to the hospital that I work at. I received a call yesterday for a clinic position. That means I wont have to work nights, weekend, holidays, call....any of that. Finally!!! I will be working 3 eight hour days, Monday thru Wednesday. I can not wait. I start next Tuesday, 2 September. So today at work I need to turn in my letter. I was going to see about staying on a few Sundays, or helping out with call. I chose otherwise due to the past few days' events working. Anyway, yea to answered prayers!!


beth said...

That is so great. I'm happy for you. It sounds like a wonderful job!

Emlyn said...

CONGRATS!!! You deserved the best of the best.